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Can you type?


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1000 Posts Club
Apr 6, 2021
I can type properly because I did a typing/shorthand course when I left school and didn't realise it would be useful to me much later in life with the introduction of the internet. Many people do just as well with the two finger method (hunt and peck). Which method do you use?
I can type properly because I did a typing/shorthand course when I left school and didn't realise it would be useful to me much later in life with the introduction of the internet. Many people do just as well with the two finger method (hunt and peck). Which method do you use?
Wow! typing is little bit tedious for me, especially when it comes to typing of a very lengthy content, it really stress me out and makes me over worked.
Typing is not a east task at all. It takes a lot of energy from.and you and leaves you tired and drained out after the task. I don't fancy it that much tjough
I can type but I am not so fast with typing but I am still learning to type currently door and I hope to be better someday in the future.
I use the same popular method for typing because that was how i learnt it. Knowing how to type is very helpful because i use shorter time to complete what i am typing.
As at 2012 I could type 35words per minute using marvis bacon which was my favorite and still is my favorite typing program. So yes I can type.
I can type very well, because typing is part of my job and I like typing I also design card like wedding card, so I learn how to type all document.
I can type properly because I did a typing/shorthand course when I left school and didn't realise it would be useful to me much later in life with the introduction of the internet. Many people do just as well with the two finger method (hunt and peck). Which method do you use?
I can type, yes with two hands but not the Mavis Beacon kind of typing, I'm not very fast at it, but I like typing with my two hands and till date used to a computer when I need to type
I can type, yes with two hands but not the Mavis Beacon kind of typing, I'm not very fast at it, but I like typing with my two hands and till date used to a computer when I need to type
I didn't know what Mavis Beacon was. I had to look it up! When I learned it was RSA typing (Royal School of Arts) and that's what everyone learned when they went to college.
I didn't know what Mavis Beacon was. I had to look it up! When I learned it was RSA typing (Royal School of Arts) and that's what everyone learned when they went to college.
Ok when I took a crash course in computer studies, they tried to introduce it to me and the purpose was to learn how to type fast without looking at the keyboards which I never got
I did study typing some time ago, and therefore I have the skill. Although I do not have as much agility as before since I had surgery on my right hand due to an accident, and I lost my ring finger. But as I said, I can still defend myself since these are things that you don't forget.
Sure I can type, worked as an office assistant one time so I did quite my fair share of typing once upon a time, it doesn't leave you even if when you leave typing so that's thats
I went to a computer training when i was young but i had a very bad teacher then so i never learnt a thing but after i bought my laptop i started training myself and right now am an average typist
I was so inquisitive when I saw this topic, can you type? I thought there is going to be an offer for those who can type fast. Typing is one of things I do without stress but I always find it difficult to get the best position that will will not hurt my body.
I can type properly because I did a typing/shorthand course when I left school and didn't realise it would be useful to me much later in life with the introduction of the internet. Many people do just as well with the two finger method (hunt and peck). Which method do you use?
when i started making use of the computer,i used to be very slow in typing,the thing was very stressful for me then,but when i aquire my own personal computer,my speed improved.And recently as i engage myself with this forum where i have to be putting out contributions hourly,my typing speed has greatl improved.
I can type properly because I did a typing/shorthand course when I left school and didn't realise it would be useful to me much later in life with the introduction of the internet. Many people do just as well with the two finger method (hunt and peck). Which method do you use?
Yeah , I can type pretty well be it on a phone,system , or anything. Did a few computer lessons during middle school ..... I even love typing naturally I don't get tired neither do I see it as a stressed
I guess there are alot of things i dont know about yet. Back then when i was still very young, i started a typing course, but i didnt really complete on did anything serious because of some issues that came up. I think what really helped me in my typing was using my smart phone alot.
I can type i as much as i don't rush my self too much but the truth is most times i rush myself and when i do either end up making an error like double typing or skipping a letter or worst miss arrange the whole thing and end up making errors and mistakes on way or the other

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