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Any tips how to motivate your self.

To motivate myself, I draw a graph of my accomplishments against time in a given period, maybe a year, 3 months or 1 month period. With that, I ask myself very serious question about my goals, accomplishments and failures. By the time I through, I'll be fully charged to take on whatever it is I need to.
Thinking back about my life, the way I started and the victimisation and the hardship I pass through in life makes me want to be a better person in future to shame my critics and to prove to them that i can be a better persin in life without depending on them.
There are several ways different people use to motivate themselves. What i use is,i listen to my thoughts and tell myself that i can do anything i want to do.
I make a personal declaration out loud to myself that I can do this and I will certainly overcome whatever challenges that means ght be facing me right now. It works for me all of the time. Of we don't give up on the challenges we face, they turn out to become opportunity for us sometimes
Normally I always watch or hear inspirational thoughts as it is great way to keep motivate myself. I also spend more time with my younger baby as he is real inspiration for me and always make me happy.
I get motivated by believing totally in myself irrespective of what others think. I also like to surround myself with positive minds that can spur me on. Not people who will want to discourage you.
my main motivation in life are those people that have gone ahead of me and this is the thing that I've been giving me the mad feeling to be like them, my main motivation are people that are in the same area with me and have succeeded.
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
This is a very cool and nice way to get yourself motivated indeed. It must be working out well for you using this tactics. Mine is to tell myself that I should focus my thoughts in the bigger picture of why I started the project and keep moving on with it in my strides
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
I motivate myself in a lot of ways, first is by knowing that there are many things that I can do which others can't do, do I take motivation from that. Also, the fact that I am able to start some business on my own is enough to motivate myself.
I motivate myself in a lot of ways, first is by knowing that there are many things that I can do which others can't do, do I take motivation from that. Also, the fact that I am able to start some business on my own is enough to motivate myself.
Motivating yourself to do good things and think positively atimes depend on you way of thinking and reasoning, and sometimes deal with the environmental factor , the people in your sorrounding atimes can influence you.
To motivate yourself, it depend on what you are doing either it's business or schooling. If it is in terms of school I motivate myself by watching education movies, share my story to people I take as mentors to advice me well and all these have motivate me.
Self motivation is something one truly needs as one journeys down the rough road to success. One way to motivate oneself is by reading the success stories of others
The only way I have been motivating myself is by what i am going to gain from what I am doing, if I am not gaining anything I cannot do it and I can only be motivated if there is something serious to me to gain from what I am doing.
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
I motivate myself in so many ways and people tend to see me like am enjoying life,all because I take it as it comes and never bother myself over something that is not meaningful as well.
Am kind of somebody that don't let anything to motivate me. I like to motivate my self. What motivate me most is what I have been through and what I have in mind for my future
I think that one of rye proven ways that works for me is to think about your potential and emphasise on what you can achieve in it and I will be motivated.
I don't let anything motivate me I motivate myself my goal my vision and what I have in mind but you miss me alot I don't need any special thing to motivate me me what I have been through motivates me a lot you have to motivate yourself
In keeping myself very well motivated on what tasks I get to do and achieve, I always look at the big picture before me and how it will feel like to have attained that set goal or target I have set to achieve. This keeps me more focused and determined to make it happen
I love to eat every seconds. So, fast food is my motivation. Whenever I'm working or doing something, I always put snacks, beverages besides me so that I would get tired.
Many people would have different things that serve as motivation to them and to me I try to reflect on where I came from and where I might be headed to.
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
One of the things i do to get me motivated,is determine by what i want to get done or acheive at that period,i get books of mentors and read about their experience and learn about their success story.And also like staying around succssful individual as i get to learn about their adventure in life.

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