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Any tips how to motivate your self.


New member
Feb 11, 2021
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
I think one of the best ways to motivate yourself is take time to think back from where you started and the position you are right now, yiu may have not gotten to where you want to be but you are definitely not where you started.
Try to read some motivational books or quotes once in awhile, and set goals for your self, celebrate the little wins
some ways i used in charging my self up is to stay around positve friends,those who are more vast and knowlagable in divers issues of life, can encourage you and lift your spirit.Reading books of succesful individuals and how they were able to achieve success in life motivates me to success.
Self motivation is the best form of motivation in life. When you motivate yourself, you build up an inner drive that keeps you going without minding the obstacles in your way. Self motivation can also be likened to self encouragement, and this is the best way of deriving strength.
I actually motivate myself alot ever since I lost my parents i have not really had anyone to encourage me. So I do it myself by telling myself the truth. Telling yourself the truth is a starter in motivation listening to other people testimonies is aslo a way to motivate you.
A good way to gain motivation is to start disciplining yourself and getting into a daily routine. Your body and mind will get used to a habit so it's not as difficult to keep going. If you have big goals you want to achieve them motivate yourself by breaking them down into smaller goals and you'll feel more accomplished as you get past those goals and onto the next ones.
There is one thing every man in his life, and if you don't have this, you can't motivate yourself. You must first believe in yourself. This is the gate way to motivating yourself
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
If you have an important task or assignment to do but you seem lazy to continue, you can promise yourself a special treat to boost your morale.
Music motivates me alot when I'm fade up at times with life. It resurrects me, through the words of those talented musicians. I have lots of them, it keeps me going.
What i did I listen to my favorite song and tell my self a 100x i can do this, i don't need to give up but in the end of the day feel week but i keep thinking a positive though. How bout you? Any tips.
I stay away from negative energy and bad news because they have a way of messing with ones head, yes listening to music also helps and talking to my God, most of all.
1 basic tips of how to motivate yourself is Reading inspirational books watching inspirational videos and quotes with this you can be able to uplift your spirit and believe in yourself.
I take life one moment at a time and one day at a time. That's what I do to get myself motivated. I don't get too agitated when I can't meet up a personal need I tried meeting
Finding the drive to stick with any goal, whether it's linked to success, getting up early, changing a routine, exercising, or just being happy, is one of the most difficult things to do.

If you can commit to a goal for a long time, you can almost always succeed. What it takes is a little perseverance and motivation.
What I do to motivate myself everyday is to talk to myself and I say to myself that whatever I am going through is for a temporary time because there is nothing that is permanent in this life.
Music motivates me alot when I'm fade up at times with life. It resurrects me, through the words of those talented musicians. I have lots of them, it keeps me going.
The best way to motivate yourself is to always see yourself as important and not just anybody. Look at yourself in a mirror and say that I can do it, I cannot fail, I am capable. Don't duel on your past mistake. Encourage yourself and move forward.
The best way to motivate yourself is to always see yourself as important and not just anybody. Look at yourself in a mirror and say that I can do it, I cannot fail, I am capable. Don't duel on your past mistake. Encourage yourself and move forward.
Yes, your statement is full with words of encouragement. I'm very keen to keep going in whatever venture i find myself, giving up is just like given up hope on life.
The best motivation you should give yourself as a business owner or an entrepreneur is make a target and always believe in your self that with time you will definitely reach your destination.
One good way I usually use to motivate myself is by reading books. If I need motivation on finance, I get and finance book and read
To be able to motivate yourself , you must always have positive thought about your life, thinks about how to aim and acheive big and go for your aim, don't let people that already failed discourage you.
To motivate myself, I draw a graph of my accomplishments against time in a given period, maybe a year, 3 months or 1 month period. With that, I ask myself very serious question about my goals, accomplishments and failures. By the time I through, I'll be fully charged to take on whatever it is I need to.

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